Welcoming Back Our Veterans

Morgan’s Veteran’s Day Assembly Returns

Samantha Wayne, Writer, Reporter, Photographer

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Morgan school was able to enjoy the yearly Veterans Day Assembly on Thursday, November 11, 2021. In order to stay in compliance with social distancing guidelines at the assembly this year, the seniors attended the assembly in the gym, but the underclassmen had to watch through the Pixelot System in their D period classrooms.

The assembly began with the entrance of the Color Guard, which consisted of veterans and Morgan Students: AJ Supik, Kyra Savage, Jordan Armstrong, Maddie Davenport, Garret Garbinski, and Will Curry.

Principal Keri Hagness then gave a brief and warm welcome to the guests to begin the assembly, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by Brady Fritz and the National Anthem, performed by the Morgan School Concert Band.

Then, the Chairman of the Clinton Town Council, Chris Aniskovitch, gave opening remarks and a big thank you to our veterans.


The Morgan Band, directed by music teacher Ray Smith, performed the Armed Forces Service Songs Medley. This gave veterans and students that had families in the military a chance to stand up in recognition for their branch of the armed services: the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.

Assistant Principal Chris Luther read the recognition of veterans, which listed the names of veterans that were in attendance at the assembly and the name of the students at Morgan that have family members in the armed forces. The veterans and students that were named were asked to stand.

Junior and junior firefighter Trent Meadows read a tribute to First Responders.


The Morgan Chorus, directed by music teacher John Lampe, performed two songs during the assembly: “My America” by Joyce Bacak and “We Will Stand With You” by Michael and Angela Souders.

Seniors Maggie O’Donnell and Jessica Flanagan read two Veterans Day speeches from former US Presidents.

The veterans in attendance were then offered an opportunity to go up to the podium and share a story, memory, or life lesson from their time in the service. A total of five veterans shared.

Joe Diedrich of the American Legion finished off the assembly with the Retirement of the Colors.