Senior Sean Davis has most certainly made his impact on Morgan. From being class president to chief editor of the PawPrint to treasurer of Interact Club to golf captain, Sean has made a difference at Morgan.
Sean became involved with student government in sixth grade. His homeroom teacher, social studies teacher Justin Esposito, was the student government advisor. Sean said, “it was something I was interested in, so I ran.” In sixth grade Sean was a homeroom representative, treasurer in seventh grade, and in eighth grade, the COVID-19 year, the advisor changed, and it became more after school and WIN, an enrichment period called “Whatever I Need,” involvement, so Sean was not able to run, but was still heavily involved.
There were no elections moving into freshman year because of COVID, so the officers in eighth grade continued. But Sean got involved at the end of his freshman year. He said, “Emma Lindsay, former student body president, encouraged me to run and told me to get involved. However, it was past elections, but in the fall, Señora emailed me and said I could come by and help.” His position that year was, in his words, “special advisor to the president,” but the entire executive board worked as a team. During his junior year, Sean held the role of vice president until he took on the role of president. He will remain president until graduation on June 10th.

Sean also leads on the course. Sean said, “I started to play golf when I was a kid, but it is a sport that requires a lot of patience, and if you know me, you know patience is not my strong suit.” He did take summer lessons as a kid, but he did not play much. During COVID, he started playing again for fun with his sister and dad on the weekend. He said, “I was thinking of trying out for the team my sophomore year, but ended up not playing because I was busy with other stuff and was not sure if I was going to like it.” He then said, “Finally, after some convincing from Tyler Greenhouse and Jack Nye, I eventually ended up joining the team my junior year.”
He earned a spot on the varsity team as the four man. He developed a great relationship with English Teacher and Golf Coach Eric Bergman. Senior year he was named captain along with Senior Jack Nye. He said he had a rough season, but towards the end, he pulled through. He likes that golf gave him something to focus on outside of school.

Sean’s favorite classes at Morgan were AP US Government with history teacher Christopher Zawadski, “I love Zawad,” and Accounting I, his sophomore year with Business Teacher Ryan Richitelli. He said, “I love history and I love politics. It was perfect for me; it tied into my interests. It was an amazing class, Zawad was an incredible teacher. People in the class were very engaged.” Sean loved the class so much because there was discussion amongst him and his peers. He said those discussions will be memorable to him. He loved his full year accounting class with eight or nine people. He said, “it was a good time for me to get to know some of the upperclassmen at the time.”
Sean is beloved by many of his teachers. Mr Zawadski said, “Sean Davis is a special student, and I truly mean special. He has a passion for politics that most students do not have. There are not too many students that I can sit around and talk about current events, but Sean is well-read and a deep critical thinker. He has his opinions. I will miss seeing Sean in the hallway and the banter back and forth. He will be missed, but he will be going on to better things.” He also said, “I want to work for Sean on their political campaign.”
Health Teacher Rachel Lupone said, “I remember Sean from 7th grade when he was presenting a project, and from that day forward, I knew he was going to amount to amazing things.”
Sean will be attending Northeastern University, majoring in Finance and minoring in Political Science. He chose Northeastern because of its great co-op and internship opportunities. Sean is excited to move forward and hopes for great things.