The winter sports season is here. The captains for each team shared their expectations for the new sport season.
Captains for the boys’ basketball team are senior Ryan Donadio, Jack Nye, and Robbie Estabrook. Ryan has great expectations for this upcoming season. He said, “We have a bunch of seniors that have been playing together since 4th grade.” He also thinks the season should end with a Shoreline or maybe even a state championship. Jack Nye is looking forward to beating rival Cromwell. He thinks his team will improve because they’ve been playing with each other for years. The last basketball captain is Robby. He said he would take the role of being a captain the same as he did last year when he wasn’t captain. The boy’s first game is December 14th @The Morgan Gym, at 7:00pm.
Seniors Ava Johnson, A.J. Luke, Maeve Madura, and Victoria O’Neill are girls basketball team captains.
Girls basketball senior captain Ava Johnson thinks the team will win a lot of games. She is looking forward to meeting all new teammates and winning. Ava thinks the team will improve a lot since last year. She says the team has had ¨a lot of growth.¨ Senior captain Maeve Madura says the team will be facing a lot of ¨diversity.¨ Maeve is looking forward to playing with her friends. Maeve thinks the team will improve a lot because the team has a lot of chemistry. The girl’s first game is December 14th @ Cromwell HS Gym, 7:00.

The wresting captains are juniors Dom Larabee and Ari Farr. Wrestling captain, Dom Larabee, is expecting ¨A lot of conditioning and a whole lot of wrestling. He is also hoping to win a lot of tournaments. Dom is looking forward to meeting all the new wrestlers and seeing all of their skills. Dom definitely thinks the team will improve from last year. He is going to handle being a captain this year by taking charge and helping all the new wrestlers. The wrestler’s first match is December 13th @Chesire HS gym, 6:00.
The three indoor track captains are seniors Trevor Leach and Julia White, and junior Michael Fusco. Trevor expects a lot out of his track team. They have a lot of new runners and ¨a lot of speed.¨ He is looking forward to meeting all his new teammates and getting to know them. Trevor doesn’t know if his team will improve from last year because they may have ¨slight inconveniences. He thinks he will handle being a captain this year. ¨pretty well.¨ Their first meet is December 13th @Hillhouse HS-field house, 5:00.
Fencing captains are seniors Gavin Gersz, Sam Way, Alessa Strunjo, and Sara Morrissey. Gavin Gersz is looking forward to teaching all the new freshmen. She is also looking forward to being in a lead role. Gavin thinks the team will improve from last season. She is going to handle being a captain the same as she did for cross-country. Another fencing captain, Alessa Stunjo thinks it’s going to be a great season for the fencing team. She is looking forward to meeting all of her new teammates and incorporating the new freshmen. She is hoping that the team could work off the good season they had last year. She is going to keep a level head in being a captain this year. Their first match is January 6th @The Morgan gym, 10:15.