This Friday, December 8th, the Morgan Social Justice Club taking a field trip to New York City. We will depart from the Clinton Train Station, make a pit stop in New Haven, and then arrive at Grand Central Station. From there, we will walk a few blocks to arrive at the United Nations Headquarters.

The United Nations, founded in 1945, is the international peace keeping organization that brings together a group of nations to work together to solve international problems to benefit humanity. There are currently 193 countries involved in the peace making process.

Human Rights Day is a national holiday celebrated on December 10th. This holiday was established after the mass genocide in World War II. The United Nations adopted a declaration on December 10, 1948, called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in regard to making December 10th a national holiday to respect everyone’s rights no matter race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, etc.
We will be going to the United Nations to take a tour in celebration of the UN’s contribution to Human Rights Day. We will be given a guided tour to see what happens at the UN and gain a better sense of what happens there daily.
Many members shared their excitement for this thrilling opportunity. Senior Daniel Highkin said, “I am excited to go there to celebrate different cultures and get to learn about them as well.” Sophomore Camryn Mazzarella said, “I am excited to go to New York City because I love New York City.” Freshman Hernika Singh said, “I’m excited to see what the UN consists of and what would be shown there.”
Sophomore Lena Flaherty said, “I’m excited to go to New York City and learn more about the United Nations.” Junior Isabella Johnson said, “I want to see how the inner working of the UN is. I do not know a lot about the UN, so it is great to go there and learn more through this experience.” Senior Noelle Main said, “I have never been; I have always driven by it and wondered what they do. And I’m excited to see it.” Chaperone of the trip and English Teacher Brooke Mazzarella said, “I’m excited to go to New York City. It is a really good group of kids, and it will be a great learning experience because I have never been to the UN before.”
As a club that promote human rights and fair representation of everyone in our school, we are very excited for this opportunity.