Written by Jillian Crowley and Emma Iovene|
Photos by Jillian Crowley and Emma Iovene|

On May 5, 2017, Morgan cupcake winner Brittany Nobitz and baking partner, Lauren Bosquet competed in the 5th Annual Regional cupcake competition against Haddam-Killingworth High School and Milford academy. According to HK culinary arts teacher Joanna Siciliano, Madison and Old Saybrook were supposed to be included in the competition; however, they dropped out a week before due to busy schedule.
This year’s Regional Cupcake Wars winners were Megan Little and Nicole Bobbi with their carnival themed cupcakes and display. They will get their name placed on the Cupcake War trophy and it will be kept at the HK High School until next year.
The girls that competed were the winners, Megan Little and Nicole Bobbi from Haddam-Killingworth, Dejanna King from Milford and Brittany Nobitz and Lauren Bosquet from Morgan.
The competition started at 10:45 and from there the girls had an hour to create their display and assemble their cupcakes completely. The contestants were allowed to bring premade cupcakes, frosting, and decorations; however, they had to construct their cupcakes during the hour given. After the time was up, the girls were required to give a presentation on their cupcakes and display them to the panel and answer any of their questions.
The panel of judges consisted of Clinton mother and veteran judge, Carissa McComiskey, Assistant Superintendent of Haddam-Killingworth Schools, Holly Hagman, retired Clinton Public Schools teacher, Teri Denadi, Superintendent of Clinton Public Schools, Maryann O’Donnell and lastly, Heather from Nora’s Cupcakes.
The judges scored each school’s cupcakes from 1-10 on various categories. The categories were:
- Creativity and originality
- Decorating technique
- Difficulty of project
- Combination of color and design
- Neatness and attractiveness of design and display
- Time and efficiently
- Sanitation and safety techniques followed
- Clean-up work area
- Taste (moistness, flavor, texture, and frosting to cake ratio)
- Presentation to judges, professional appearance of contestant
- Knowledge of project
- Confidence (voice projection and eye contact)
During the schools’ presentation, they explained how they decided on their cupcake themes and what steps they took to create their perfect cupcake.
Seniors Brittany Nobitz and Lauren Bosquet created a coconut cupcake with a buttercream frosting and a key lime filling with a Cinco de Mayo theme. The girls told the PawPrint how making their decorations was the hardest part since they had to individually create the sombrero and chili pepper toppings out of homemade fondant.
The HK girls created a caramel cupcake with brown sugar frosting and a whipped caramel filling with a carnival theme display. They stated how they continuously tried again and again to master their cupcakes. They told the panel that they had been practicing for weeks prior to the competition day after day, before, during and after school. The girls also talked about how they decided on a carnival.
Dejanna King, from Milford Academy, created a coconut cupcake with a coconut buttercream frosting and a pineapple filling with a tropical themed display. She stated how deciding on what cupcake she wanted to create was the most difficult since she had too many ideas.

Congrats to the all of the senior girls who had the opportunity to compete in the 2017 Regional Cupcake Wars!