What Morgan Students Do in Their Free Time
Students Share Extracurricular Activities Including Sports, Clubs, and More
About the Contributors
Riley Schmidt, Writer, Reporter, Photographer
Hi! I’m Riley Schmidt, a senior this year. This is my second year taking Journalism, and I am so excited to be back, capturing the special moments of our Morgan family. I will be taking pictures of anything and everything, but I will also be doing interviews and writing articles. I love showing enthusiasm for Morgan, and now I get to do that in another way. At Morgan, I am part of REACT, Interact, Spirit Squad, Morgan Mentoring, Youth Police group, Partners in Community, and many more activities that take place at Morgan. My favorite thing to do is take pictures, which is why I always have a camera with me wherever I go. I’m excited to express my opinions on certain matters, along with being able to interact with our school community. I am excited to see what I can produce this semester by conveying Morgan as a family.
Gabriella Franco, Reporter/Facebook Manager
Hello! My name is Gabbie Franco. I am a senior this year at Morgan, and I will also be graduating early. I am 17 years old and very interested in current events and pop culture. There isn’t that much about me that’s too interesting, so I’ll save the details. This is my first year in Journalism, and I’m very excited to share my thoughts with you as well as vice versa. I hope to do a lot of interviews, or question-based articles, typically about relevant things going on in our community/state, I hope to hear a wide range of opinions and insight from all.
Gavin Gersz, Reporter/Editor/Weekly Blast Manager
Hi, my name is Gavin, and I am a senior. This is my first year working on the PawPrint, and I am excited to write and record our life at Morgan. I am a part of REACT and the Spirit Squad, while also a three-sport athlete. I’m excited to step out of my comfort zone to show others how I can contribute to the PawPrint. Morgan has a lot to offer and every day is full of new stories, sports events, new teachers, and more.