New Chemistry Teacher: Jake Rowe
Mr. Rowe’s Passion for Science
New chemistry teacher Jake Rowe is one of the younger teachers in the school. Mr. Rowe got his Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology & Atmospheric Science from Penn State. Then he got his Master of Science degree in Chemistry from the University of Colorado Boulder. His educator preparation training was through the Connecticut Alternate Route to Certification program (offered by the CT Office of Higher Education). This is his first year as a full time teacher.
Mr. Rowe said “I love Morgan. My colleagues and students are wonderful to work with. It’s a great environment. I love working with the science department. The teachers are so collaborative. We share lessons and try to make the best experience for our students.”

This is his second teaching position: “My only other teaching position was at Lionel Primary school. I did my teaching during March 2022. Other than that my other teaching experience is where I served as a teaching assistant.”

Mr. Rowe shared that he loves being here, and he’s enjoyed all of his experiences. He teaches all grades but mostly chemistry with mainly juniors, seniors, and some sophomores.
Mr. Rowe said, “I don’t have a preference of which grade I like to teach, I enjoy teaching all grades. “
Mr. Rowe didn’t always want to be a teacher, so when he came to Morgan teaching was still somewhat new to him.
He said, “I found out I wanted to be a teacher during COVID-19. When COVID-19 hit, I was a TA at the time and realized I didn’t want to do that anymore and became a teacher.”
Mr. Rowe did not originally train to be a teacher. He studied meteorology, the study of weather. Mr. Rowe said, “I’ve been intrigued by science my whole life. I have wanted to work with science since I was 4. Science is fun and we are all on this journey to find out how science works, and it’s cool to do. Science was my favorite subject in school.”
Mr. Rowe’s current students think his class is fun and he’s chill. Mr. Rowe said, “I’m really excited and looking forward to the year ahead. The science department has exciting plans for our classes. In Integrated Science, we are studying if we can grow plants with Mars soil vs. earth soil to see if astronauts can grow plants on Mars.”