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The Morgan PawPrint

The Student News Site of The Morgan School

The Morgan PawPrint

The Student News Site of The Morgan School

The Morgan PawPrint


Senior Spotlight: Emma Champagne

Heading to Syracuse University
Karla Duque
Emma Champagne

Senior Emma Champagne officially committed to one of her top colleges, Syracuse University in upstate New York, where she will be majoring in psychology. She is unsure of what she will do after college with psychology, but she is interested in Human Resources. Emma chose psychology because “I have always been interested in the logistics behind people and why people do the things they do.”

Emma experienced the difficult decision of choosing between her top two schools; Syracuse University and Miami University. Emma’s decision was narrowed down to Syracuse after careful consideration. She said, “I wanted to do what was best for myself. I loved the Syracuse academic and sports environment, as well as New York being close to home.” Emma plans on joining a sorority at Syracuse during her second semester, which she believes is a better way of rushing. Emma said, “I’ll be able to know myself and the school better, making rushing easier and more beneficial.”

At Morgan, Emma has been a part of the Morgan Girls Lacrosse team since her freshman year. She has played lacrosse since she was in third grade, alongside her senior teammates Maeve Madura, Ava Schmidt, and Ashley Reemsnyder. Her time with the team has grown Emma’s love for the sport and her teammates. It has given her the ability to grow up with her teammates and benefit from their support

Emma Champagne and AJ Luke

Emma’s first year as a part of the Morgan PawPrint has created her favorite memories filming “Friday Fit Checks” with her co-host, senior AJ Luke. She is thankful for her English teacher Leslie Chausse, who is also the advisor of the Morgan PawPrint. She highly values Mrs. Chausse and her ability to make her classes fun and productive. Emma also expressed her appreciation for her ECE Anatomy teacher, science teacher Emily Lisy during her junior year. Emma said the class was “very hands-on, and we do a lot of labs and dissections. I enjoyed the class even more because of the people at my table who allowed me to always be laughing and having a good time so early in the morning.”

During her years at Morgan, Emma has learned valuable life lessons that she will always be grateful for. Emma said, “Nothing is that serious for you to

Emma Champagne and her friends

become worked up over small things. Being able to move on and not hold onto grudges is one of the most important things I have learned in high school.”

Emma is thankful for all the people that have come and gone in her life that have taught her this lesson. Emma would also like to share her deepest gratitude towards her parents, who have given her the support and encouragement needed to get her to where she is today. 

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About the Contributor
Karla Duque
Karla Duque, Reporter/Writer/Instagram Manager
Hi! My name is Karla Duque, and I am a Sophomore here at Morgan. I am excited to be joining Journalism this semester for the first time and contributing to the Morgan PawPrint. I am on the Morgan Volleyball team, and I am also part of Student Government and Spirit Squad. I hope to cover engaging topics that will interest people and to explore the world of Journalism. 

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  • A

    Ana Jayne LukeJun 5, 2024 at 1:55 pm

    I’m going to miss Emma so much. Filming Friday Fit Checks has been so fun and memorable. I’m excited to see the many accomplishments she will have in her future!
