On Friday, March 22nd, The National Honor Society and Interact club will host a fundraiser for children who have cancer. The fund benefits the Tommy Fund Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Center at Smilow Cancer Hospital. The name of this fundraiser is Hats for Hope.
Each student who wants to participate will wear a hat to school on March 22nd. Students and staff will pay one dollar either online or in person as a donation to the Tommy Fund. Wearing the hats will show hope for local kids with cancer, letting them know they are not alone, providing them with emotional, educational, medical, and financial support as they fight cancer.
Since 1953, the Tommy Fund has supported families whose children are undergoing cancer treatments at Smilow.. The Tommy Fund originated from a little boy named Tommy Mozdzierz who died of cancer two weeks before his fifth birthday. The fund promotes many activities including holiday toy & food drives, a holiday party for patients and families, the annual spring Gala, a golf tournament, Survivorship Day and many more.
Donate to the Hats for Hope, Tommy Fund.