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The Student News Site of The Morgan School

The Morgan PawPrint

The Student News Site of The Morgan School

The Morgan PawPrint

Teacher of the Year: Mr. Rowe

Chemistry and Forensics Teacher
Briana Sposa
Mr. Rowe winning the teacher of the year award

The Teacher of the Year Award has been an award at The Morgan School for more than 30 years. The student government and the student council nominate teachers for the award and then vote for the teacher they believe is most deserving. The recipient of this award receives a plaque with their name, the year they won and the name of the award.

Mr. Rowe winning the Teacher of the Year award (Brianna Sposa)

This year, the Teacher of the Year Award was awarded to chemistry teacher Jake Rowe. This is Mr. Rowe’s second year teaching chemistry and forensics at Morgan. Mr. Rowe said, “I had no idea I was getting the award. Getting the award was really special, and I would have never thought I would have been recognized in my second year of teaching.” Mr. Rowe made an impact in the short time he has worked at Morgan. He said, “It meant a lot, especially because it came from the students, and I’m truly grateful for my students. They are the reason I come to school every day and to give them the education they deserve to get. They really make it better and easier to come into work every day, knowing they have a memorable class that they love coming to.”

Mr. Rowe is grateful for his co-workers. Without their support, he would not have received this award. His co-workers were the ones who convinced him to go to the ceremony by telling him he needed to help set up, and they even brought his family there without him knowing. Mr. Rowe said, “Morgan is such a special place to work at, and I’m so happy I made the decision to come here to work.”

Mr. Rowe jogging (Payton Corgan)

Senior Leah Scoppa, President of Student Government, introduced this award at the senior awards, and Junior Wyatt Luke, Secretary of Student Government introduced it at underclassmen awards. They gave a speech about the award and explained why they choose Mr. Rowe.

In the speech, they both said these sentences dedicated to Mr. Rowe. The sentences are: “Amongst those qualities is the ability and willingness to help students not only in the classroom but also in determining and planning their futures. This year’s teacher has just recently made their start at Morgan, but is already having a big impact.”

Any teacher who did not win the award in the last four years is eligible to win the award. The award is a reflection of the teacher’s year and how hard they work for their students.

Mr. Rowe will continue to make a name for himself and make an impact on the students and staff at Morgan.

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About the Contributor
Saoirse O'Beirn
Saoirse O'Beirn, Reporter, Photographer, Sports Center, Editor
Hi, my name is Saoirse O’Beirn, I am a freshman at Morgan and this is my first semester taking Journalism. I am very excited to take this class and learn more about the PawPrint. I hope to take photos for and of the students at Morgan. 

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