On May 23rd, Student Government Elections will take place, with each class holding a meeting during advisory. Each candidate that is running opposed will be giving a speech to explain why their classmates should get their vote. Students will vote for each position via Google form during lunch waves. Results will be announced later that afternoon. Be an informed voter. Take a look at the candidates’ statements.
Freshman Class Officer Statements:

Grace Holecz is running for Class President to continue her role she holds this year: “I desire to make sure the needs and voices of our class are heard, truly addressed, and not disregarded. I will strive to create fundraisers, whatever that may entail, which are inclusive to everyone and allow us to make money to benefit our class as a whole. Everyone deserves to have a voice in matters that affect our class. I am committed to exploring any ideas that are proposed to create a profitable fundraiser, working with everyone to make money which will help lower the costs for expenses in the future.”

Jack Henry Palazzo is running for President in hope of having more fundraisers next year for the Freshman class. He says, “I have a lot of fun ideas for fundraisers and a lot of ways that we can make money for our grade. Currently, we do not have many savings for our class, so next school year is a massive year for us in terms of making money! I’m determined to win this position and excited to see the results.”

Taylor Breen hopes to win the role of President in a desire to give the Freshman class a voice in the Morgan community. “I love Morgan and our community, and I want our class to have the best experience possible over the next three years. As president, I want to represent our class and give it a voice in this community. A big priority right now is fundraising, and I have many great ideas, but not only that, I want to make sure that everyone gets to share their ideas and to contribute, even if they aren’t in student gov. “

Hayden Darr will to continue his current role of Vice President in his sophomore year. He is running unopposed. “I should win the Vice President position because I know that I bring great ideas to the table. I have many ideas for fundraising and would like to continue to share them. I am the current Vice President and have been responsible with my role by attending meetings and contributing. When the president is absent or not at school, I am willing to step forward and take responsibility. People should be able to rely on me and trust that I am working hard for this class.”

Hernika Singh said she hopes to win Secretary in hopes of creating equal opportunity for everyone and preparing for larger activities coming up in the future:. “I took on the role of a class representative this year, which I feel I took on well, advocating for our class and contributing more than the role entails. I hope in our following sophomore year, we are able to be more successful in fundraising, as well as create activities that make school just a little less dreadful for our class. I feel very passionate about Student Government and hope to have a significant title in the following school year. Thank you!”

Libby Burns is also running for Secretary and feels she has the perfect qualifications for the role:. “I am running for class of 2027 secretary for the 2024-2025 school year. I am a part of several clubs here at Morgan. I am a member of the girl’s lacrosse team as well as the Morgan fencing team. During summers, I work in leadership. I am a member of student government, and I want to work hard to make as much money for our class. I will push as many fundraisers as possible that will benefit the class of 2027 as well as our community.”

Hendrick Bausch is running for Treasurer to begin his Student Government career. He says, “Hello, I’m Hendrick,and I will be running for 9th grade treasurer for student government for 2024–25. I feel as though I am a good candidate to effectively manage our class’s finances and ensure that we have enough money for activities that everyone will enjoy. With my previous knowledge of finances and first-hand experience, I am committed to ensuring our money is going to the right places. By using my skills, I am confident that I can secure our finances, optimize our money, and create an environment where everyone can have a voice. Your vote would be greatly appreciated and will create an opportunity for an organization that will financially thrive.”

Saoirse O’Beirn, is running for the freshman Class Treasurer for her first year in Student Government:. “I know what being in student government is like in middle school because I was my class representative for eighth grade, but I want to expand and see what it’s like in high school. I also want to make sure we have enough funding in the future, such as prom, and I would do that by making sure we spend our money wisely.”
Sophomores Class Officer Statements:

For Class President, Nathan Levy is excited to run unopposed and to have another chance of fundraising for the class of 2026. “I was vice president my sophomore year, and honestly we had a lot of setbacks, but I am confident that this upcoming year we will have successful fundraisers and be able to meet our goals.”

For Vice President, Karla Duque is also running unopposed and has high hopes for the Class of 2026 success. “I have a lot of experience in student government, I was the president my freshman year and an active member as a representative my sophomore year. Nathan and I have talked a lot about our ideas for this upcoming year and we are excited to do different fundraisers and get our class as a whole to become more involved.”

Addison Reed says, “I have been Secretary for our class since 7th grade and because of that I have so much experience. I have made beginner mistakes and have grown from those mistakes, which leads me to working as Secretary at a higher level. In the past years, I have created posters, completed notes during meetings, made order forms and participated in all the fundraisers.”

Sophomore Jacquelyn Ciarleglio is running for the position of Secretary against Addison Reed, and will be reading a speech in front of the Class of 2026. “I believe I deserve to be the secretary because I can show my leadership and organization skills for the benefit of my class. I want our class to be successful, so when we have prom and other events, they will be enjoyable and memorable.”

Sophomore Avery Vece is running for Treasurer because “I have been an active member in Student Government these past two years and I want to contribute to fundraising for prom. I enjoy being a leader and organizing fundraisers.”
Junior Class Officer Statements:

Joshua Nobitz is also running for Class President for the Class of 2025. He serves as a representative currently and attributes many ideas towards his class in hopes of its success.

Demani Howard is running for President for the first time this year. “I will follow in Mason’s footsteps and continue to fight for and represent our class. I have already begun this process when, on Monday the 5th, I attend a Board of Education meeting and gave a speech. If I become president, I plan to promote less popular sports and get more people out to watch the games because everyone deserves to have the experience of playing in front of a crowd cheering for them. Most importantly, though, I will work closely with my class to be able to advocate for issues they have. These are just a few of the plans I have to start a change around how students feel about student government and how they are represented.”
Michael DeRenzo is running unopposed for the Vice President role for the Class of 2025. This will be his first year participating in Student Government.

Kierra Baker is running for Secretary, “I feel like I would be a good representative for my class, and I would listen to the students that have concerns and try to fix them.”
Alyssa Aiken was nominated for the spot of Treasurer and running unopposed this year. “Hi, I am Aly, a Junior. I was nominated to fill the position with Treasurer of the Class of 25′ last year, and I decided to run again this year. This year I ran unopposed and got the position, again.”
Executive Council Statements:

Mason Jakober has been his class’ President for two years, and he will be running for the executive board’s presidential position. “Student government is an advocacy organization and this position means a lot to me because the student government represents the whole student voice. Student body president is taking on the role of representing the voices of students under the administration policies and district policy. This position allows safeguarding student interest and voice.”

Sophomore Andrew Randi is running for the Executive Council’s Vice President, “I’d like to stay involved with the school. Participating in student government and stepping down from a class position would allow me to play a different role in being actively involved. Previously being the president, I was able to get a good look into how funds needed to be raised, and it was essential in helping me not only get involved differently, but also have a different view of the leadership roles.”

Junior Michael Fusco is also running for Vice President of the Executive Council. He worked as the VP of the class of 2025 under President Mason Jakober. “Working as VP helped me develop a lot of experience on what a member of the student body should be like. As representatives of the class, we serve to protect the voices of our classmates and to defend our interests. I’m grateful for the position I was given and wish to continue serving the school as a member of the student body.”
Cora Dunham is also running unopposed and will be the Executive Council’s Secretary.
Wyatt Luke will be an upcoming senior and will be taking on the position of Treasurer, as an unopposed candidate.Wyatt will continue to take on the responsibility of administering, reporting, and monitoring the

budget of the Student Government. Wyatt says, “This was my first year as a treasurer and I really enjoyed the position. I think it is a great opportunity to grow my future. I hope to keep helping our school grow and become a better place.”