Student Government: Inside Scoop

What Really Goes on During the Meetings

Leah Scoppa

We all have heard of Student Government, but do you know what goes on behind the scenes? We have heard that our elected officers are planning events or helping the school, but what actually happens at the meetings?

From what I have heard many people do not know much about Student Government. It is shocking to realize the lack of information our students and staff have about the council, so I have decided to start writing about what happens and give the “inside scoop” so everyone can learn how important it is.

We meet every other Wednesday, and all class officers are in attendance. The advisor is World Language Teacher Laura Luther,  and we meet in her room, A37, at 7:10 am. All students are welcome to attend.

At the last Student Government meeting on Wednesday September 22nd, each class gave updates on some of their plans to start the year. This is something we do at every meeting to see what each class is doing and how they are fundraising for their class.

Senior Class President Brady Fritz said that they were trying to plan a meeting with their class advisors. They were also planning some of the major events like powderpuff and discussed the situation of homecoming with the Spirit Squad. The class also needs to order more Senior t-shirts.

Junior Class Treasurer Seamus Staunton said they are scheduling a meeting with their advisors. They are starting to line up their fundraisers and prepare for the year ahead. They went and asked restaurants around town if they could have a percentage of the money for one of their work days. This money would go toward their class. During this quest to raise money, they were also given a generous donation of $1,000 from Rocky’s Aqua.

The sophomore and freshmen class said that they are planning a meeting with their advisors. Sophomore Class Vice President Robert Estabrook said they are also planning on fundraising.

The school officers are President Jessica Flanagan, Vice President Leah Scoppa, and Secretary Caroline King. These officers are in charge of the student government as a whole. They help raise money and come up with ideas for school wide events.

Classes need to raise money for class events, their proms. The importance of their class meeting is planning how to raise the money, so they can afford all the events that make up the social experience of high school. Once the class raises money, it can start to plan events.

This year the officers are:

Senior class-

President: Brady Fritz

Advisors: Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Davis

Junior class-

Advisors: Mrs. Martino and Mrs. Mazzarella

Sophomore class-

President: Dillon Moore
Vice President: Robert Estabrook
Treasurer: Kayla Brinkman
Secretary: Riley Kuever

Advisors: Mrs. Leiss and Mrs. Lupone

Freshman class-

President: Rachel Spaziano
Vice President: Natalie Estabrook
Treasurer: Melanie Pugo
Secretary: Jason Plunske

Advisors: Mrs. Rizzo and Ms. Lynch

All students are welcome to come if they want to share any thoughts on something they are passionate about or can come to listen. Student Government is a voice that is accessible if you need it. If you have any questions or anything else you would like to know about Student Government, please email me at [email protected].