On February 28th, 8th graders will be coming from Eliot to Morgan from 9:35 am to around 11:30 am. Students will split up and while one group is in the auditorium listening to a presentation by Principal Keri Hagnes, the other group will be touring the tech halfway and visiting various elective classes to see what classes they are interested in taking their freshman year. After the tour and the presentation in the auditorium, there will be a student panel in the auditorium for all 8th grade students. The students representing Morgan on this panel will be talking about student experiences at Morgan such as STEP, electives that were meaningful to them, clubs and sports they’ve been involved with and activities the school puts on such as pep rallies, dances, the Dog Pound, spirit weeks and much more.

Later that night from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, students will come back to Morgan with their parents for the open house. The first part of the night will be reserved for Mrs. Hagnes to give a short presentation in the auditorium. After this, students and parents will be split up into groups and participate in a tour led by Husky Leadership classes and National Honor Society (NHS). High school students will also be in classrooms ready for the tours to enter the classrooms and talk about the class they are there to represent.