Written by Bella Mongillo, Max Hurtubise, and Simon Hua|
Last Thursday, February 28, 2019, was Morgan’s annual Open House. The open house is for next year’s incoming freshmen to gain knowledge on what their high school life will be like and what classes they will be taking.

Many students from the class of 2023 and their parents attended the open house, where teachers from each area of study, as well as our guidance counselors and Mrs. Hagness, each shared information on the school and classes to prepare them for their transition to Morgan in just 5 short months.
Some information shared at the open house was about how the school is going to have new graduation requirements for these freshmen. New classes were also announced such as AP Computer Science Principles which will be made available to sophomores, juniors, and seniors starting next year.

Looks like the incoming freshman are going to have a wonderful time at Morgan. Let’s make sure to welcome them and aid them in adjusting from middle school to high school.