Morgan National Honor Society had their first meeting for the 2023-2024 school year on Tuesday, October 3. Senior members who were inducted into the National Honor Society last year attended. In order to be in this group, all students must at least a 3.5 GPA, as well as achieve standards such as good character, commitment, and value through community service.
The new advisors, science teacher Kelly Gilbert and English teacher Adam Litvinoff, ran the workshop that included breakout sessions, different ways to reconstruct of NHS, and reminders on the four pillars of National Honors Society.
Seniors who attended the NHS workshop were provided with food, snacks, along with different activities for ways to improve the rebranding of NHS. Seniors split into different breakout groups to discuss new ideas with two new advisors, Mrs. Gilbert and Mr. Litvinoff. Students also discussed how to improve community service opportunities.
New advisor, Mr. Litvinoff, stated his ideas and opinions for NHS this year. Originally, he was asked by Library Media Specialist Shannon Robinson to be the new advisor. After discussing this with Principal Keri Hagness, Mr. Litvinoff described how he specifically wants to focus on the induction process, and make sure that the feel of NHS is better, now that the pandemic with its set-backs is over. Mr. Litvinoff believed the workshop went smoothly, and that it was great for him to meet all the seniors. Mr. Litvinoff also agrees that there were powerful ideas that will hopefully take a leadership role on NHS. He can’t wait to see where this year takes the National Honor Society.
New advisor Kelly Gilbert also stated her enthusiasm for NHS this upcoming year. When Mrs. Gilbert was a student at Morgan, she was the president of NHS. She said it is a full-circle opportunity to be an advisor of NHS. Mrs. Gilbert is excited to work with the students this year, work with colleague, Mr. Litvinoff, and make an impact on our Morgan community. She said her goal this year is to give the NHS members a clear understanding of this year’s chapter, and develop a meaningful organization. She stated that coming together was just what the members needed. Mrs. Gilbert is thrilled this year to be a part of the rebranding of NHS and can’t wait to see where this year takes the chapter.
Senior Ashley Reemsnyder, enjoyed the social aspect of the workshop, stating that it was a great time to connect with each other and eat some great food. She also stated that the activities were planned well and added that she believes NHS will be run well this year.
Senior Sara Stack also added that she liked the workshop, how it was a great for everyone in the workshop to come together and plan for future events.
Senior Chloe Jackson appreciated the new advisors, stating that she enjoys how they value her thoughts and comments, and understand the issues from previous years.
Senior Dillon Moore stated that he liked the new advisors as well, and that he thinks this year will be better than last year, with more service opportunities, and more ways to connect the members together.
Two seniors, Ava Johnson and Molly Vitola believed that the workshop could have been done in a shorter amount of time.