At Morgan, on May 2, 2024, during our flex period, we will be celebrating our class of 2024’s post graduation plans. This event is for all seniors, including those entering the military or workforce, taking a gap year, etc, not just those attending a four year college. National College Decision Day is annually on May 1st. This day stands as a deadline for accepted students to commit to a school.
Journalism students have been working to create a spreadsheet with all the destinations. Senior AJ Luke has been using Adobe to create a paper flag for each destination. The flags will be printed by technology education teacher Ted Enoch.

During the event, underclassmen journalists will be taking pictures for the seniors, including photos of each student with their flag which will be published on the PawPrint.
For the event, seniors should wear merchandise from their future destination. If you have made a post graduation decision, please post to the @morgandecisions2024 account on Instagram.