In the spirit of friendly competition, the freshman class organized a school-wide rock paper scissors contest. This fun competition will take place throughout the school day on Thursday, March 28th, as a perfect way to kick off the Good Friday long weekend.
To participate in this fundraiser, students will purchase 2 bead necklaces for $5 sold during all lunch waves from Monday, March 25th to Wednesday, March 27th by student government members. The two bead necklaces mark that the student is participating on the 28th.
In the last ten minutes of every class, students who are wearing the beads will play rock, paper scissors with classmates in their same grade. If a student wins a match, their opponent will give them all the necklaces they have, except one, to the winner. At the end of the day, the students with the most beads from each grade will go head-to-head at a school wide pep rally for the winning class and some prizes.
This fundraiser will serve as a fun way to not only shorten classes before the break, but also provide competition between grades. Students will wear their class colors, and one class will win the best spirit award at the pep rally.
View this video for more information.