The Morgan School is a lot different than the middle school. Most people agree that there is more freedom. Freshman Libby Burns said, “I think Morgan is more of a family,” and she thinks it is a very nice building with great teachers.

Morgan has a lot of different electives to choose from. There is something for everyone. Freshman Mekai Howard took both band and engineering this year. He stated that engineering helped him develop a different part of his brain and helped him decide whether or not he sees a future with engineering. He said electives help students decide what they want to do when they’re older. Freshman Libby Burns took Intro to Communications and Journalism. She said Journalism is her favorite class because she loves to get involved, do interviews, and take pictures.
There are also a lot of different options for sports each season. From football to fencing to lacrosse, there are lots of options. Freshman Katrina Harris plays soccer and basketball. She recommends both of these sports to the incoming freshman if they enjoy playing these sports. She said they are really fun, and the teams are supportive of everyone. Freshman Annabelle Parent plays volleyball and fencing. She said they are really fun, and she made a lot of new friends from the teams. Freshman Lea Mora is on the cheerleading team. She recommends it to the incoming freshmen because they need more people on the team.

Clubs are also a great way to get involved at Morgan. There are so many options to choose from including Spirit Squad, Social Justice Club, and Botany Club. Freshman Mekai Howard, Libby Burns and Lea Mora as well as me are in Spirit Squad. They all agree that it is a great way to get involved in the school. Freshman Annabelle Parent is in the Art Club. She recommends it to the incoming freshman because it is a very fun club. She wishes it was more than once a week.