Avery Vece, Reporter
November 29, 2023
Fake news is misleading or false information, which can spread false rumors to people. Students tend to read something on social media platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat, or Instagram and immediately repost it. PawPrint asked Morgan students to evaluate two sections of two articles: Viral Videos Spread Unfounded Claims About Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade’s Relationshipby Izz Scott LaMagdeleine. This was a fake post. The claim is not true. TikTok is Shutting Down Its $2 Billion Creator Fund by Moises Mendez, is real news. Students worked with a partner or by themselves to decide which of the two articles were fake.
Today, fake news can be spread on any social media platform. Cites that can assure whether the rumors are real or not are platforms such as, Snopes or Fact Check. Use them to check before you repost.
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