Dodge for a Difference is back this year. The event will be on Tuesday November 21, 2023. Registration for teams starts at 4:30. It cost $10 per person on a team. There are 10 people maximum on each team. Games will start at 5:15. Those who prefer to come and spectate can watch for $5 a person.
This year there are many teams competing. Junior Josh Nobitz said,“This year’s senior team will be the most threatening.” He also added that “If there is an alumni or faculty team they will also be hard to beat”.
Senior Sean Green said that the team he put together is very good. He has some students that are on the baseball team who will come and play for him. Sean also stated that senior “Jack Nye’s team may be the hardest to beat”. Senior Jacob Jones said, “Whatever team I am on, I will carry them to victory”.
Dodge for a Difference is a great way to bring the Clinton Community together. The events are also for a good cause. All proceeds will go to the Clinton Food Pantry and the Middlesex Mental Health Foundation.