Morgan Fencing Victorious On and Off the Strip
Team Raises $4300 In Goods For Bare Necessities
January 10, 2023
On Saturday, January 7th, Morgan Fencing hosted its annual invitational tournament. This year, participating teams included Daniel Hand High School, Guilford High School, Simsbury High School, and North Haven High School.

Admission for the tournament was free, but attendees were encouraged to donate diapers and wipes for the Bare Necessities Diaper Bank. This year, Morgan Fencing lunged past last year’s total $3,000 worth of diapers, wipes, and money. A total of 5,829 diapers, 20,346 wipes, and $155 in monetary funds added up to a tremendous $4,300 worth of donations to support the Shoreline-based charity in keeping babies clean and dry. Nancy Popp, a spokesperson for Bare Necessities, shared in a statement that the charity is “extremely grateful for the outstanding job” and for spreading the word “that there is such a need for families with babies.”

The day proved rigorous as always, with varsity fencers on the strip for up to 12 bouts. In varsity matches, three fencers are logged in with one substitute; there are nine bouts in each match. When a team has won five bouts, they have won the overall match. Once this has occurred, coaches will sometimes give substitutes some fencing time to gain experience in a varsity match. Junior Sara Morrissey, a foil fencer, said that she appreciates “the opportunity to kick off the season while supporting a good cause.”
Spectators were plentiful, with friends and family members filling the stands. Morgan Fencing parents play a crucial role in organizing the event, from preparing and serving food at concession stands to organizing raffle baskets with products and services from local businesses. Candy grams were also sold, providing energy and affirmations during a long day of fencing. Thanks to parents’ efforts in raising money, Morgan Fencing recently purchased two aluminum strips funded in part by the invitational’s annual concession stands.

The day proved an opportunity for Morgan to learn about fencing as well. Senior Sebastian Kadlof was “pleasantly surprised at how quick and intense” bouts were. Students are encouraged to attend upcoming events, including a home match on January 12th at 6:30 PM against Fairfield. The team looks forward to the State JV Tournament on Saturday, January 14th at North Haven High School.
Morgan Fencing was recently featured in a Zip06 article announcing the event. Read more here.