Pandemic pet adoption
June 8, 2020
During the coronavirus (COVID-19), many families have either fostered dogs or adopted them. Lindsay Luong, a volunteer of the shelter Homeward Bound, said that the adoption rate has definitely gone up. Homeward Bound CT is a shelter that works with rescue groups throughout the state, as well as Pennslyvania and Georgia. It was founded in 2014 and since then has successfully placed over 600 dogs in their forever homes. Any dog found through those states finds a forever home.
Lindsay started volunteering for Homeward Bound Ct in 2016 and was asked to join the board in 2017. The organization created the Chester Dog Fair, which is held every year in September that brings dog owners and animal lovers together. Their goal is to get families with their dogs in a dog-friendly and safe environment that is fun for the whole family.

While being in quarantine many families have been staying inside and working from home which makes it the best time to adopt. Homeward Bound CT has had more adoption and foster applications during this time than ever before. In late April, my family decided to foster a sweet dog from Georgia, her name is Poppy. We contacted Lindsay and drove to New Haven to pick Poppy up. A week later we adopted her and welcomed her to her forever home. More than another week later, we found out Poppy had a daughter, and she was in Georgia as well. We fostered her until she got adopted.