Written by Thomas Baker | Photos by Thomas Baker
Online school has been in session since March 25th, and students and staff have opinions about this new online learning. Staff shared their thoughts on their workload before the new schedule was put into place on April 6th. Students shared their thoughts on how the class schedule after April 6th compared with the earlier non-schedule format.
As of April 3rd, the old “schedule” was still in effect. Students were told to complete work for all of their classes at their own pace, and aim to get it done from 9-2. Teachers would assign due dates, and occasionally provide lessons or directions through a Screencastify video shared on Classroom. Morgan staff shared via email how they felt about the first few weeks of online learning.

Integrated Arts teacher Jessica Mularski said, “In a high school setting, it is pretty tricky. It is a definite challenge for my executive functioning.” She explained, “there are so many balls in the air for us all right now.”
Spanish teacher Laura Luther said, “this online learning is different and has also improved my technology skills. I work beyond the allotted time, but that isn’t a new concept for teachers; even when we are physically in our classrooms, we work beyond the normal school day.”
Starting on April 6th, students were told to follow a set schedule. Periods A, D,E and F meet Monday and Thursday and periods B, D, G meet on Tuesday and Friday. Wednesday is a workday for staff and students.
So far there are mixed opinions about the new schedule and the workload. Some feel that now that there are required Google Meets, students have limited time to work on assignments between 9-2. This means that there is more homework.
However, some enjoy this new change. Senior Emma Orr enjoys the new schedule and says she finishes her work between 9-4. She said, “I like the new schedule because teachers can’t keep assigning everything at once.” Senior Alyse Olcott feels she is “not really stressed at all because I get to spend a lot of time outside and doing my own thing.” She also describes how she finishes her work from 9-3 now; however, she explains how she got her work done much quicker before the new schedule was put in place.

As for their stress level, Seniors Taylor Gregory and Emma Orr both say that the stress level is about the same.
Assistant Principal Chris Luther explained that the new schedule has helped create time to meet with teachers, “a balanced workload for students and teachers”, and time for teachers to collaborate, create lessons, and meet with administrators. Currently, Mr. Luther does not know of any drawbacks of the schedule.
As a senior at Morgan, I personally feel that I am left doing work for a longer period of time, depending on how long Google Meets are and how many there are. More work was given during the shortened week before break than was reasonable in my opinion, but it all depends on what classes you have.
Overall opinions are mixed with senior Mya Yetso said, “if we have a google Meet during class time that takes the whole time. The teacher should not also assign work to do then.” I personally think that the option of a Google Meet allows students to continue learning directly from the teacher and provides structure, but teachers should not take up the whole hour of class.
Most students hope to be able to return to normal life in the next month or so, but with businesses still closed, it is hard to see an end to the school year without Google Meet.