Written by Sydney Fratamico and Rachel Gelven|
Photos via Sydney Fratamico|
“You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life.” On Wednesday, September 27, 2017, Leon Logothetis came to Morgan with a special message for all of the students and teachers.
Logothetis shared his journey around the world on his bike, Kindness One. He had no money and no living arrangements for the trip. He solely relied on kindness: his kindness towards others and their kindness towards him. Leon shared that his goal is to live an “adventurous life” and for others to “live from their hearts”. To see his journey more in-depth, watch his TV show on Netflix, or read his book, The Kindness Diaries.
During the assembly, he emphasized the importance of sharing your pain. Brave students came on stage and explained what loneliness is so that he could explain that loneliness can be overcome. By one simple act of kindness, someone can feel less alone. We can change the world by changing one life. Before the assembly, every student was given cards that stated:”I helped someone feel less alone today…”. On the back of the card, there was space for students to share an act of kindness. As an incentive, he promised that for every card he gets back, one free book will be donated to someone in need.

Leon wanted The Morgan School family to know, we all matter. and how we treat each other matters as well.
Students shared what they took away from the assembly held by Leon Logothetis. Here is what they had to say:
Sophomore Emma Iovene shared, “Being kind can have a domino effect on the school, that eventually would carry out beyond the walls of Morgan.”
Senior Mary Kate Staunton shared, “Many students talked about what was important to them, and it was nice to hear.”
Similarly, Sophomore Jon Fiorillo added, “Leon touched a lot of hearts. People said stuff on their mind, and it showed that people have different feelings.”

Sophomore Sarah Auletta took away, “Kindness is free. It doesn’t cost us anything to be nice.”
Sophomore Logan Smith stated, “We all have a kindness gene. It is something that triggers us to say or do something that helps others to feel even better.”
Junior Kayla Pellegrini expressed, “Every smile counts.”
Sophomore Rachel Schmardel took away, “We must always be kind to one another, and we should use kindness extensively.”

Sophomore Mya Yesto shared, “Everyone matters. Even if you do not think you do, there is someone who thinks you do matter, and those people are very important.”
Sophomore Annalyse Olcott said the assembly was, “A reminder we are all here for each other no matter what.”
The Morgan School students truly learned a lot from Leon Logothetis, and we hope to see him again sometime soon.