Written by Hannah Gaudet and Emily Sordo|
Photos by Hannah Gaudet and Knockerball

On Monday night, May 16th, a game of knockerball took place right after the girls lacrosse game. This event was supposed to take place the week of Homecoming. However, rain and other issues caused this game to be postponed or possibly canceled. If you were there, you would know that this game was hilarious and consisted purely of the students hitting each other. Junior Dashaun James was even seen wiping out motivational speaker, A’ric Jackson.
For the first half hour or so, different groups played. It is unknown if they were following the rules or not; it looked like they were just bumping into each other. Bystander Junior Shannon Maher said the game was “really funny. I like to see people fall, and if I was out there, I would be the one that’s just like in the corner rolling around by myself.” Some people playing had a lot of skill but not all according to Shannon, “The ones who actually go after each other and like kill each other definitely had talent.”
The next half an hour consisted of an obstacle course: one ran through the cones against another person on the opposing team. Next they ran into that person, then finally raced through the cones to the finish line. Junior Jarrett Talarzyk said this part was “entertaining. It’s fun watching people get decked.” This part was most people’s favorite because it was an actual game rather than people just hitting each other.
This game surely was entertaining to all, whether one was participating or watching everyone had a great time. Aubry Allen who participated Tweeted, “I may have gotten completely destroyed in knockerball, but it was one of the best things I’ve done.”
For those of you who still don’t know what knockerball is, take a look at the link below.