Written by Maddi Roman|
There is a new addition to the clubs here at The Morgan School: The Student Leadership Society, often referred to as SLS. This new organization was created by Seniors Liz Bradley and PaulMichael Mullally, with the help of advisors Mrs. Luther and Mrs. Fasulo. Mrs. Luther explains that the SLS’s purpose is “to develop skills and encourage more involvement in the school community and the community of Clinton.” SLS is an organization or group of freshman through seniors that meets before and after school two to three times a month, including one lengthy hour and a half meeting. The group is comprised of 25 young leaders who are working to develop and sharpen their leadership skills and potential.
The society often holds brief meetings to discuss and debrief about its future plans for guest speakers and activities at the main monthly meeting. Often times, a guest speaker will attend the meeting. At the latest meeting in January 2014, Peter Nye and Jeff Mastroianni came in to work with the group on public speaking. The speakers chose a few quiet people in the group and had them stand behind a podium and answer questions to make them more comfortable.
Senior Liz Bradley explained, “PaulMichael and I started this group because we saw so much potential in people in our school to be leaders. We wanted to help them further their skills and help them grow as leaders in the school, in the community, and maybe in the world.” Liz Bradley and PaulMichael plan on leaving the coveted Swoosh For Change fundraiser to SLS.
All 25 members were required to fill out applications and attend further interviews in order to receive entrance into the organization.
I spoke to a member of this new society,Jake Mastroianni. When asked what sparked his original interest to join the Student Leadership Society, Jake replied, “It was a new group in school that was going to try to do things in the school and around the town while teaching us how to be a leader.” Jake say being a part of the society has great meaning. “It means that I am an active leader in The Morgan School. Many students in our academic community pride themselves in being positive leaders. The group does many activities together; I asked Jake what his favorite has been so far. He replied, “when we had the meeting about public speaking,” I made a point to ask Jake if there are ever any disagreements due to the entire group being comprised of leaders. “Well, that’s a good question. Yeah, the people in the group are easy to collaborate with. However, there are some people who you have to be willing to compromise with in order to achieve something.” Well put, Jake, well put.
There is no doubt that this new movement is going to make a true difference, as intended.
Jonathan • Apr 2, 2014 at 11:05 am
Great description of the Student Leadership Society at Morgan. I never new much about the group beforehand. As we learned in Health Class, everyone is a leader! You do not need a title to be recognized by others.
ebradley18 • Mar 31, 2014 at 8:10 am
Maddi, thanks for writing this article! We intended for SLS to help cultivate many leaders in this school. As a result there are many members that started off very shy and now they are definitely coming out of their shells! I like how you got an actual members point of view like jakes !