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If you want a few lesser-known suggestions, 1) there is a version of A Christmas Carol starring Patrick Stewart. He’s a phenomenal Scrooge. 2) Lost Christmas starring Eddie Izzard, strangely not in drag. It’s got a bit of science fiction and time travel, almost a touch of Doctor Who. 3) The episode of The Twilight Zone titled “Night of the Meek” starring Art Carney. Should be available on YouTube.
Bob Farace • Dec 6, 2022 at 3:41 pm
If you want a few lesser-known suggestions, 1) there is a version of A Christmas Carol starring Patrick Stewart. He’s a phenomenal Scrooge. 2) Lost Christmas starring Eddie Izzard, strangely not in drag. It’s got a bit of science fiction and time travel, almost a touch of Doctor Who. 3) The episode of The Twilight Zone titled “Night of the Meek” starring Art Carney. Should be available on YouTube.