Morgan Volleyball Celebrates 10 Seniors
Senior Night @5:15 vs. New London

On October 27, 2022, Morgan volleyball will say goodbye to 10 of their loved seniors. Amelia Whelan, Kacey Edwards, Eva O’Sullivan, Magdalena Lagos, Julia Kelly, Sofie Passante, Maddie O’Sullivan, Kendra Robayo, Courtney Vause, and Sydney Robison are the seniors being recognized. All 10 of these seniors have been a huge part of Morgan Volleyball. Not only are they all extremely talented players, but they are amazing teammates and have each made their own impact in some way on MVB.
Morgan Girls Volleyball will play New London on October 27, 2022, in the Morgan gymnasium at 5:15. All ten seniors will be recognized for their hard work and dedication to Morgan Volleyball. Although this is their senior night, Morgan volleyball made it into Shorelines and States this year, so this is not their last time playing.
Come and celebrate Morgan Volleyball seniors and watch them take on New London.