Written by PaulMichael Mullally |
It has almost become synonymous with Morgan technology for students and faculty to make a remark about the lack of functionality every time they go to use a Morgan computer or device. The world in which we live today is extremely technology-driven, giving the vitality of functionable technology an extreme value. Luckily students and teachers have been able to adjust to these issues. This series of “Dog Pound Tech” will feature multiple articles on current technology issues at Morgan, future technology initiatives, including those of the new school, and comparisons to other school districts technology-models.
This week’s feature discusses one of the world’s most popular mobile devices, Apple’s iPad and how it is being incorporated into the classroom in the world, and more specifically at Morgan.
Other schools across the nation have began implementing and re-inventing their technology programs. In a recent article posted on Apple’s website, a high school in Burlington, Massachusetts began implementing a “one-to-one” IPad program. The program provides each student and teacher with an IPad. The school district purchased these devices through additional school funds by eliminating costly computer labs and forgetting the print-textbooks. Todd Whitten, a history teacher at Burlington high school, said, “With IPads, students have this little lightweight device that contains more knowledge than a traditional textbook could ever have, and it’s all current.” Other teachers also noted that students’ abilities to demonstrate what they learn are no longer limited by an essay or the grade they receive on a multiple-choice test. At the start of the IPad program, the high school retained a hundred percent pass-rate on the state test, indicating the school was successful prior to the incorporation of a modern educational advantage. The faculty realized that its high-achievement rates were minimal and did not fully prepare students for an “increasingly digital world;” by providing functional IPads students receive the ‘extra’ push they need to be successful in a modern world.
Although it may sound as if I’m being highly critical of Morgan’s technology, I’m actually commending it. Morgan’s initiative to incorporate the IPad at its maximum capacity is still minimal, but does provide students an opportunity to undergo an IPad-experience. Students at Morgan have explored Apps such as Google Drive, IMovie, Prezi, and Garageband to complete documents, presentations, spreadsheets, short movies, and other modern-day projects. IPads provide the ultimate alternative to a typical poster-board project. Students have the opportunity to explore and become familiar with the IPad, a tool that is permanently making its impression on the real-world. By providing students with a chance to use an IPad, Morgan is essentially preparing its students for a rapidly developing global and professional world.
Due to lack of funding, the school is only able to provide a classroom set of IPads for students’ disposal- a vast difference between the high standard Burlington High School. Logistically, the education budget does not fit the ideal “one-to-one” IPad program.
Most students own their own mobile device. With a majority owning an iPhone, perhaps the school could adopt an “open-device policy,” which would allow students to use their own devices in class for educational purposes; perhaps Morgan can adopt a similar policy.
The use of IPads is becoming a global trend and most likely students will see the day when students need an IPad as much as they need a pencil and paper.
Cover image courtesy of forbes.com