Morgan Thanks Veterans for Their Service
November 11, 2020
Veterans Day has always been a special day for our nation and for The Morgan School. Every year Morgan has a Veterans Day assembly so students and staff can honor the veterans in our community. Because of COVID-19, this year veterans can not come into the school, and Morgan students will be learning remotely.

During the last few years, integrated media arts teacher Jess Mularski’s class created images for veterans to take home. This year her students will still create these photographs for veterans. Social Studies teacher Diana Rizzo said, “I know that individual teachers, especially in Social Studies, are crafting lessons for Veterans Day.”
Mrs. Rizzo said, “Mrs. Hagness is also putting together a video with faculty input.” In this video, faculty will put their input in about what veterans mean to them.” Mrs. Rizzo will be talking about her grandfather who served in World War II
In years past, veterans shared stories about their experiences with

students and staff during the assembly. There have been veterans from World War II in recent years who shared their stories.
There was always a color guard that would walk in carrying the flags of the different branches of the military. The Morgan band would play the songs that were related to the branches of the military and the veterans would be asked to stand when they heard their song. The chorus sang and students shared poems or prepared remarks.
After the assembly, the veterans enjoyed a luncheon prepared by consumer science teacher Susan Murphy’s culinary arts classes. The Morgan community enjoyed sharing their love and respect for our veterans on this day.
Several members of The Morgan School are veterans including

mathematics teacher John Madura, technology teacher Ted Enoch, maintenance professionals Joe Buffington, and Luis Bautista. Students and staff also have family in the military or family that served in the past.
To all veterans especially those who are members of The Morgan and Clinton community, thank you for your service. Thank you for sacrificing so much for the rest of us.