Written and Photos by Kristina Bergman|
This year Clinton Public Schools decided to reinforce Policy 5140. This policy is about how children need access to healthy food options in school. Its main goal is to decrease adolescent obesity and decrease absences by serving nutritious food. This policy has nothing to do with the school system but rather a bigger statewide initiative.
There have been some complaints from mostly upperclassmen around the school, especially from mentors. In the past, the week before winter break the mentors and freshman would have a party but due to the no food rule this year, it changed to a door decorating contest.

Although Assistant Principal Christopher Luther didn’t fully enforce the no food rule in his former science classroom, he does agree with it because of his worries about the cleanliness of the tables and allergies. He also feels that it can put pressure on students to spend money on treats for class parties or other occasions.

The cafeteria still serves brownies and other sweets in the cafe during lunch which contradicts the part of the rule about nutritional guidelines. Mr. Luther isn’t exactly sure why these sweets are allowed to be eaten during lunch. He does believe the cafe is allowed to serve these things if they stay in the cafeteria. Then they can’t be a mess for anyone to clean up especially in the new school.