Written by Bella Mongillo and Ashlynn Leka|
Photos by PawPrint Staff |
Wednesday, May 1, 2019, was National College Decision Day. The Morgan Senior Class celebrated by wearing their destination gear and taking individual and group photos holding flags with their destinations. Below is a list of each student’s destination.
Connecticut College Bowdoin College Lasell College University of Maine James Madison University University of New Hampshire Eastern Connecticut State University Quinnipiac University Muhlenberg College Central Connecticut State University Wheaton College University of North Carolina- Charlotte University of Rhode Island Plymouth State University Louisiana State University University of North Carolina- Wilmington Simmons University University of California- Santa Cruz UCONN– Avery Point Springfield College Southern New Hampshire University Baylor University Middlesex Community College UMass Amherst University of Bridgeport Military Service members Emerson College High Point University Loyola University Grand APizza Franklin Pierce University University of Saint Joseph Salve Regina University Clemson University University of New Haven Gateway Community College UCONN–Storrs Albertus Magnus College United states Marine Corps Souther Connecticut state university Adeplhi University Eastern Connecticut State University Worcester Polytechnical Institute Johnson and Wales Endicott College
Adelphi University- Jordona Caprio
Albertus Magnus College- Jillian Case, Abigail Jasinski, Andrew Passante, Scott Accetta
Baylor University- Deven Talarczyk
Bowdoin College- Caleb Adams-Hull
Castleton University- Tony Cimino
Central Connecticut State University- Mackenzie Anderson, Sandra Sirisoukh, Kyle Burt, Hayden Saranich
Clemson University- Olivia McCray
Connecticut College- David Saturno
Eastern Connecticut State University- Lee Broderick, Joelle Vuillemier, John LeViness, Will Riccio
Emerson College- Phoebe Sullivan
Endicott College- Jacob McHenry-Kron
Franklin Pierce University- Olivia Morrissey
Gap Year- Jacob Williams, Justin Hansen, Ingrid Rodriguez, Amber Reed
Gateway Community College- Olivia Carroll, Gabriel Luiz
Grand Apizza University- Chris Nuzzo
High Point University- Chloe Bousquet
International Studies (Sweden)- Nick Hannon
James Madison University- Sydney Church, Connor Derry, Madison Emmi, Calvin Jackson
Johnson & Wales University- AJ Fritz, Ashlynn Leka
Lasell College- Nick Muratori
Louisiana State University- Megan Falcone
Loyola University New Orleans- Matthew Ford
Middlesex Community College- Gianna Abbetello, Jack Bergeron, Ryan Geoghegan, Matthew Luchuk, Bailey Hornyak, Jhonnyer Paida, August Pulaski, Peter Sullivan, Rebecca Walton, Owen Weekes
Military Services- Logan Lane
Muhlenberg College- JP Nye
Plymouth State University- Alex Hill, Matthew Koziy, Cole Pascarella
Quinnipiac University- Garrett Johnson, Paul Rodriguez
Salve Regina University- Bella Mongillo
Simmons University- Rebecca Arribas-Cockley
Southern Connecticut State University- Ashley Annicelli, Amber DeLuca, Angelyn Graves, Krystina Johnson, Marie Kane, Zach Leach, Kayla Pellegrini, Ford Pender, Rebecca Shamp, Heather Vollhardt
Southern New Hampshire University- Sean Arribas-Cockley, Matthew Pendleton
Springfield College- Carter Skidmore
St. John’s University- Aadilah Bajwa
Three Rivers Community College- Jen Accetta
TIGI TONY & GUY- Quinn Pender
UCONN Storrs- Chelsea Piccirillo, Beatrice Atengco, Johanna Guitierrez, Simon Hua, Max Hurtubise, Michael Menacho, Paddy Murray, Daniel Radka, Issy Ranaudo, Alex Rauccio, Angela Recine, Erin Lindsay, Matthew Zoner
UCONN Avery Point- Maddy Greenhouse, John Inglis
UMass Amherst- Sophia Dowd
US Marine Corps- Gabriel Furches, Dylan Schrempp, Katie Schrempp
University of Bridgeport- Brittany Rojas
University of California Santa Cruz- David LaRiviere
University of Maine- Jonathan Hicks
University of New Hampshire- Patrick Kavanaugh, Grace Roman, Kitty Shortt, Caitlin Turner, Ella Franzoni
University of New Haven- Kiefer Neumann, Kyle Neumann, Mike Savage, Emily Ellal, Alyssa LeMay, Noah Scarpace
University of North Carolina Charlotte- Hannah Nobitz
University of North Carolina Wilmington- Ashley Baldwin, Kylee Clifton
University of Rhode Island- Ryan Caldwell, Melanie Coretti, Sean Fitzgerald
University of Saint Joseph- Jack O’Sullivan
Wheaton College- Christopher King
Worcester Polytechnic Institute- Rachel Flanagan
Workforce- Zak Johnson
The following students are planning on entering military services.

Will Riccio- Army National Guard
Kyle Burt- Army CT National Guard
Paddy Murray- Army CT National Guard
Noah Scarpace- Army ROTC
Alyssa LeMay- Army ROTC
Gabriel Furches- United States Marine Corps
Katie Schrempp- United States Marine Corps
Dylan Schrempp- United States Marine Corps
The staff at the Morgan PawPrint congratulates all the seniors and wishes them luck at their destinations.