Written by Bryce Thomas |
Now during E period at Morgan, the gym doors are open and anyone can go in to shoot hoops. It’s a good way to take a break from classwork and let off some steam.
Morgan Principal Keri Hagness and Assistant Principal Tyler Webb saw the need for students to have some open gym time and assigned In School Suspension teacher Chris Rapuano as monitor. School Resource Officer Spencer Mangs is also around to make sure everyone plays safe. He said, “I enjoy it. Rap and I both enjoy it.”
Senior Kenyin Douglass has been asking for open gym for the past two years. He said, “Students benefit because it gets them to play ball even though they don’t have a gym class.”

In a blog post on Concordia University-Portland’s website titled, “How Teens Benefit From Recess,” Kara Wyman, MEd said, “Even a fifteen-minute physical activity break can make an impact.” She says the break can boost students’ moods and help them to de-stress.
Open gym seems to be a big hit. When asked why he goes, senior Mike Savage said, “It’s a fun experience and a chance to hang with friends.” Junior Diego Paleaz added, “I like E Period basketball because I get exercise and have friendly competition with all my friends while playing, and there are always new people playing.”