Written by Kayla Maloney |
Video by Andrew Tran |
As reported from Bonjour from France, the journalism class had recieved fourty videos from students in France.
After seeing the videos from the students in France, Mrs. Sunny’s French one and French two classes decided they would like to send videos to the students at Lycee Camille Corot in Morestel, France. These students spent two weeks working on the Ipad’s here at the Morgan School, using IMovie to create their videos. The journalism class assisted the students using the program IMovie during A period, and I helped the French two students during D period. Their final videos were sent to the students in France. Now the students in France will meet some of the students at Morgan through the French videos.
Below is a video made by Andrew Tran, he and the rest of the students used this project to practice their French. These students just as the students from France shared their interest, friends, and their families.
[wpvideo 4AAo4CFJ]
mikhelahull • Mar 27, 2013 at 8:40 am
It’s a really good opprotunity for the French students at Morgan to connect with students from France. It seems like a great way for them to learn the language better.
Leslie Chausse • Mar 25, 2013 at 8:45 am
What a wonderful learning opportunity for the French students at Morgan and at France