Written by Abbigale Pitarra|
Photos from the Morgan Pawprint|

Many students at The Morgan School want to go into business as a career. But a few have already entered the business world by founding their own businesses. Senior Andie Carse, senior Antonio Tran, junior Nick Hannon, and juniors Dan Radka and Caleb Adams- Hull have all launched businesses by doing something they love.
Andie Carse– I run a small nonprofit called Andie’s Confections. I sell fudge and truffles and donate all the proceeds I make to a variety of organizations including The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Kids for Kids.

Antonio Tran- Well, first things first, I do not own a business. I do, however, run a small computer repair/building service. I build and repair computers. I can also do other technology-based problems as the process is similar for most issues. I’ve always been intrigued by technology, and I aspire to continue my career in such a business. The event that sealed my love for this profession was when I built my first computer when I was 12, and ever since, I loved building and repairing computers. I’ve never broken a computer, nor have I caused an issue that required me to replace a computer part. My favorite part about building computers is finishing up the building process and seeing if the computer starts up. My least favorite part of building computers is solving issues that cause the computer to not start up.

Caleb Adams-Hull and Dan Radka– Caleb and I initially created a car cleaning business. Right now we’re registering with the state to become an LLC. The LLC will be general, and we’re planning on having multiple services. I have always been interested in entrepreneurship, and I honestly just didn’t want to get a job working for someone else, so I gave myself a job. Caleb had the equipment to clean cars so we just decided to do it together. Financially, we make a profit, but not a large one. We’re hoping to increase the amount of business we do once we officially register. However, I think we have both learned a lot about business ownership, finances, etc, through the “business”. Even

completely failing right now will be useful later in life. My favorite part of the business is being able to control how successful we are. We get out what we put into it, for lack of a better explanation. I also love being able to control when I work and how hard I work. My least favorite part of it is the taxes.

only benefits me but the people I help as well. There’s a certain feeling of fulfillment granted from sharing my passion and successfully helping someone.The downside is managing the company’s work with school and life as a whole. I like to remain consistent and timely with my services. Unfortunately, that often means I find myself overly-dedicating time towards the business rather than balancing it with school.
If you need your electronics fixed, your car detailed or some goodies then consider the businesses of these Morgan students.
Nan Iselin • Mar 20, 2018 at 6:03 pm
Amazing young Students. They will go far in the business World.
Keep up the good work.
My Grandson Kyle Burt attends Morgan High, so it is of ultimate interest for me to receive your newsletters. You all do a wonderful job.
Thanking You,
Nan Iselin