Written by Ashlynn Leka and Lee Broderick|
Photos by Ashlynn Leka and Lee Broderick|
On March 8th former WWE wrestler and now Speaker Marc Mero came to Morgan to talk about issues of bullying, suicide prevention, substance abuse, goal setting, dreaming big, making positive choices and achieving your highest potential. His presentation to Morgan was heartfelt and intriguing.
The students of The Morgan School were uplifted and informed by his presentation. After his presentation, some students had the chance to meet up with him and ask some him questions.
Mr. Mero provided advice on friendships and relationships: ” We become who we surround ourselves with which is why it is so important to surround yourself with positive people. I use the analogy your friends are like elevators. They either bring you up or gonna take you down so I really encourage students to really choose their friends wisely.”
We learned about Marc Mero’s life and the struggles and the roadblocks he conquered on his way to success. His advice is “Don’t hold things inside. It is very important. A lot of students they bottle things up, and it becomes like a volcano. Do not be afraid to talk to someone and realize that you are not alone, and you matter so much, and your voice matters. ”
One of the main focuses of the assembly was choices and the kind of choices he made to bring him to where he is today. He said, “We are defined by our choices. I shared very honestly where my good choices got me, but I am very open and honest about where my bad choices got me”
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