Written by Marie Kane |
Photos by Emily Sordo

Morgan Graduate Emily Sordo graduated this year with the Class of 2017 and now is attending Nichols College with an undeclared major. She is taking a PDS class, digital applications, psychology, sociology, and a LEAD class. “I love college so far.I like the freedom and living on my own. I really love my school and the people that I’ve met here! It’s a lot of fun. It’s weird being out of high school! I miss my hometown friends every day, and I miss my daily routines at home, but it’s important to branch out. As much as it’s fun living away from home, I still miss Clinton a lot.”
When Emily first visited Nichols, she knew it was the school for her and had a feeling about the school when she set foot on campus in November of last year. “I liked the small campus and how the administration genuinely cares about making sure you’re successful.” She described college as crazy. “Before college, I was terrified. I cried saying goodbye to my friends and family, and I cried the night before I had to leave. Now that I’m here, I really love it. I’m bad at change. I’ve always hated it. It took some time, but I can’t imagine being at another school. I love the friends I’ve made here. College can be really fun if you make the best of it!” She enjoys living on campus.”I’m really close with my roommates and the people on my floor. People are always in and out of our room.”

“If I could go back and do high school over again, I would definitely cherish all the memories more. I would try harder in school and try to learn better study habits because in college you have to study your ass off.” Emily did not play on any Morgan sports teams. “I was nominated for Social Media Star and Class Best Friends but didn’t win smh.” She shared a memory from high school and college. “A funny memory from high school was ALL of my trap house nights with my friends, shoutout narcs. A funny memory from college so far was Friday the 13th. I can’t really explain that one.”
She described high school as YDB (young, dumb, and broke). “Shoutout to my bestie Grace Roman! Be happy bb!” Emily’s favorite teacher was always Mrs. Chausse even though she claimed to have driven her crazy. Another one of Emily’s favorite teachers was Mr. Bergman. “He let us be ourselves.” Emily misses a lot. “I miss Clinton, I miss my best friends. I miss driving around. I miss going to football games. I miss not having any REAL responsibilities and seeing my family every day.

Mr. Bergman had Emily for English 3, English 4, and freshman course and has known her for at least three or four years. He shared a funny moment of hers in his class, explaining that Emily tripped over the rug one day in class and almost fell on her face. Mr. Bergman described her as kind-hearted, yet somewhat distractible. “Emily was a very exciting student because you never know what Emily might be coming into class. You might have the lively Emily who was excited about coming to school the upcoming week or you might have the exhausted Emily who was so tired she couldn’t raise her head.” Mr. Bergman wishes Emily the best and said that she is a wonderful young lady.
Emily gave students still in high school at Morgan some advice. “Don’t let yourself get too stressed out over little things. Things will get better. For the seniors applying to colleges right now, don’t stress! Trust me, you’ll get in somewhere, and hopefully, you’ll find the right place for you. It’s okay to not know what you want to do in the future, I still have no idea!”