By Marc Catalano & Darby Oboyski|
The Morgan School’s 7th annual Haunted Hallways event took place on October 29 raising over $1500, beating the previous year’s record of $1,045, and reporters senior Darby Oboyski and I, sophomore Marc Catalano, have prepared some clips from the event. But first, our thoughts:
I thought that REACT did a fine job with the limitations they were faced with, as they couldn’t put things on the walls or ceilings. However, it was largely screaming and darkness which, to me, is not scary. It felt as though some of the goals the group originally set went undone. Another obstacle was the hard rain. REACT originally planned to have the courtyard be a part of the experience, but they had to quickly move it to another part of the school. Overall, I give it a 5 out of 10.
Darby thought “It was very. Very. Loud.” He expected more from the event. He expected more detail and less screaming. He says that it wasn’t bad, but could have been better. Darby said, “Out of ten…this year gets about a 6”.
Sophomore Caden Sorota, who attended the event with us, thought that “It was well put together for the most part. It looked and sounded cool but wasn’t scary.” When asked to give a rating out of ten, Caden gave it between a 6 and a 7.s, thought that “It was very successful, and we did a great job hosting the event.” He also talked about the limitations, explaining “We had to be more creative, we could only use painter’s tape because they wouldn’t even allow us to put tape on the walls.” Gavin said that this year gets an “8 out of 10. It was an overall success, but we weren’t all on time, and there was some poor coordination.”
There was damage during the Haunted Hallways to Morgan, and there are concerns about the Hallways in general. Morgan is working with the REACT Leader, Kelley Edwards, to determine whether Haunted Hallways will be held at Morgan in the future, but a decision has not been reached yet.
Apologies in advance for the video you are about to watch. You might want to reduce your volume, as it is very loud. Also, it was very dark, so the quality of the video is poor in some parts.
[wpvideo sS8M1Tgt ]