By Claire Pease|
Photos by Claire Pease|
Once again, this year, the guidance department is hosting a financial aid night for seniors and their parents. This year financial aid night will be held on Tuesday, October 17th. The speaker will begin his presentation at 6:00 PM and it lasts about an hour and half hour. All students, however, will have the opportunity to ask any questions that they may have. The goal of financial aid night is to help seniors and their families understand how to apply for financial aid.
Seniors, as most of them are heading to college next year, need to start preparing themselves for the price. Financial aid night helps students be prepared for the cost, the application process, scholarship and grant opportunities, and the SAT´s
Speaker Dominic Yoia, the Quinnipiac Univerity Director of Financial Aid, will be the star at Tuesday night´s event. Mr. Yoia has had lots of experience with financial aid and can help students with any question that they might have.
The eleventh and twelfth-grade Guidance Counselor, who helped set up this informative night told The Morgan Pawprint that she hopes that students will ¨walk away with a clear idea of what they need to do.¨ Mrs. Rodowicz hopes that students will get their answers cleared up and understand how to afford colleges with the help of financial aid.
Senior Miles Waterbury, said that people should, ¨get financial help to solve their problems, struggles and stresses¨ throughout the college process. Even though this event is geared towards seniors, juniors and underclassmen are encouraged to attend. Miles says that ¨its good to start early so you´re not stressing out in the end.¨

Mrs. Rodowicz said financial aid night is essential to seniors but not as immediate to underclassmen. She suggests that freshman and sophomores attend College Knowledge Night, while juniors and seniors attend tomorrow nights meeting. She recommends that even middle school families should attend College Knowledge Night, which will be on February 1st.
Students also should apply for scholarships. Scholarships are listed on The Morgan School´s Guidance web page and Naviance.