Written by Marie Kane |
Photos by Burton Caldwell

2017 Morgan graduate Burton Caldwell goes to Penn State for college as a business major and he loves it. “Everyone’s really friendly.” The earliest that he has to wake up is at ten, which he said is awesome. “I was really excited to go, and now that I’m here, I’m just trying to enjoy it as much as I can.”
“My dorm is nicer than most freshman dorms, but my bed is too small so I don’t sleep well.” Burton loves the freedom there is in college, especially being in charge of himself. “There’s complete freedom which is good but I also have to hold myself accountable for everything.”

The classes that he takes are supply chain management, econ, Spanish, and geography. “I miss all my friends and family at Morgan and in Clinton.” He likes college more than high school because of the freedom. Burton was student body president and captain of the Morgan golf team in 2016 and 2017 and also played on the football team in his senior year. He was voted most school spirit for senior superlatives.

World Language teacher Laura Luther has known Burton for three years of his high school career and enjoyed having him as a student in Spanish 3 honors and Spanish 4 honors. One word she used to describe him was enthusiastic. “His Spanish name was Fonsi. Every class, every day, he made us laugh.”