Written by Gavin Carlisle|
Photos by Gavin Carlisle|
During advisory last week on Tuesday, April 25th, there was a slideshow presentation in the auditorium. The presentation was about the leadership programs-STEP, Mentoring, and Husky Leadership-and the applications that students can fill out to become a part of the programs. The slideshow was presented by the Morgan staff, more specifically Guidance Counselor Joni Capobianco, Guidance Counselor Jan O’Brien, and Principal Keri Hagness. The slideshow was presented to all of the students in ninth through eleventh grade.
The applications for each of the programs were sent out to all of the students by Mrs. Capobianco on the same day of the presentation. Any student can apply to participate; however, only juniors and seniors can be in the Husky Leadership program.
The STEP program is open to all students. The leadership training for STEP is August 14th, 10a.m.-12p.m.. The actual days of STEP are on August 15-17th, from 8a.m.-1p.m. The STEP members are to serve as role models for the incoming Freshmen class, take them on a tour of the school, do team building activities, and talk about clubs/activities at Morgan.
Student Council elections are coming on May 16th. Students who would like to run, can pick up the two forms in the main office and fill them out. They need to have good academic standing and be willing to tackle the problems/challenges in the school. Meetings for Student Council are every Wednesday morning at 7:15 a.m. The Mentoring Program is another opportunity for students. Mentors serve as role models for the 9th graders and carry out activities/lessons during advisory. All mentors need to have at least a C average to participate.
The Mentoring Program is another opportunity for students. Their goal is to serve as role models for the 9th graders and carry out activities/lessons during advisory. All mentors need to have at least a C average to participate.
The last leadership program is the Husky Leadership Program. The application was due April 28th, but it is still important to mention this program for people who are interested in joining the program in the future. There is training during the spring with Aric Jackson, and members are responsible for facilitating STEP workshops, creating projects to help the Clinton community and The Morgan School. Members of this program will receive one elective credit.
Many students are interested in these programs, and the teachers are excited to see all of this support for the programs. Library/media specialist Shannon Robinson said, “we already had over 100 students apply to be a part of the STEP program this summer, which is an amazing response.” The staff is hoping to have enough STEP members to be able to pair up one STEP member with every single of the incoming freshmen students.

Freshmen Annalyse Olcott, current president of the Freshmen(2020) class, was asked why she decided to become president of her class. Her response was “I looked out our grade, and I said, I want to do something for our grade, and I want to make sure that when we do things, they’re fun, and we can pay for them.” She also stated, “I want to do STEP…I would also like to be a mentor for the advisories because, honestly, I want to make sure that the freshmen are having a fun time in advisory and learning things as well.”
The leadership programs here at Morgan are a great opportunity for students to help the incoming Freshmen classes and also help The Morgan School evolve and change to be the best it can be. If you are a student of The Morgan School, consider applying for one or more of the programs.
Here is a link to the Leadership Opportunities Presentation presented during advisory last week, and it has embedded links to the different applications for each program.