Written by Calvin Jackson and Dan Radka|
Photographs via Kitty Shortt and Jim Messina|
“The world is our home, and we need to take care of it.” – Kitty Shortt
Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22. It’s a day dedicated to the worldwide recognition of the planet we live on. Various events are held all over the place demonstrating support for environmental protection. On this past Earth Day in 2017, Washington D.C. (along with many other cities all across the country) hosted its first Science March.
According to MarchforScience.com, “On April 22, 2017, in more than 600 cities around the world, we marched as an unprecedented coalition of organizations and individuals. We marched because science is critical to our health, economies, food security, and safety. We marched to defend the role of science in policy and society,”
A major reason for the Science March was to encourage lawmakers to create policies that take our environment into consideration. Science is an aspect of everyone’s lives, and this march was supposed to draw attention to how science affects every citizen of the world. The march gained national attention as many news organizations covered the event, featuring thousands of activists strutting down Washington D.C.’s Constitution Avenue. The movement is also focused on improving science outreach and communication, advocating science education and scientific literacy, and fostering a diverse and inclusive scientific community, (March for Science). Many marchers displayed creative homemade posters and signs advocating their cause.
The march was sponsored by the Earth Day Network which helped to further draw attention to the event and invited many well-known scientists and advocates for science including Bill Nye, the “Science Guy”.
Morgan School sophomore Kitty Shortt attended the event because she cares deeply about our earth as she believes it is important for everyone to be aware of the toll that our actions have on this planet. She thinks that attending protests and other activist events are worthwhile for anyone who goes. “I recommend that people attend events like this one because it is important for people to show their support for causes they are passionate about.”
Morgan’s Literacy Coach Jim Messina attended a march for the same cause in New York City, New York. He voiced his feelings about the march, “It was very encouraging to see so many people who really care about the future of our world.”
For information on future events visit marchforscience.com!