Written by Calvin Jackson and Kitty Shortt|
Student Council elections at The Morgan School are right around the corner, scheduled to take place on May 16, 2017.
Every year around this time, class officer elections roll around and students at the Morgan school start seeing campaign posters in the hallway as well as in their timelines on popular social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
There are four available positions per class: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer (which is in place of the Public Relations position that has existed for the past years). You can either run for class-wide positions or a school-wide position. Class-wide officers raise funds for their individual class activities like junior and senior proms, while school-wide officers raise money to host school dances and events like Homecoming and Swoosh for Change.
Spanish teacher and Student Council Advisor Senora Luther is the advisor for the school-wide class officers and has a few recommendations for people running for a position. “Tweet out about your campaign. Don’t say negative things about competitors (or in general)…be positive.”
If you wish to run for a position, see Mrs. Luther in room A37 for a form that will be due Friday, May 5th. If you are interested in running some ways that you can advertise your campaign are posting on social media or hanging posters in teacher’s rooms (with their permission). The Morgan Pawprint is interested in making a campaign video for all students running for positions, so please contact us if you wish to be featured in the video at [email protected].