Written by Marie Kane |
Photos by Marie Kane
On Tuesday, April 18, from 7:00-9:00 pm in the Morgan cafeteria, the PTA hosted its first annual Career Night. There were a wide variety of careers represented.
Mike Daly who works in the engineering business has been interested in engineering since he was in sixth or seventh grade. By seventh grade, he picked the college career of maintenance engineering. In engineering, he tackles large complex projects and issues. Mr. Daly recommends engineering as a career because there are different applications and types of engineering, and it is easy to find a decent paying job, especially at the beginning of your career. Also, engineering is very enjoyable.
A member of the PTA, Andrea Reu believes that there is a lot of talent in our community. There were careers ranging from the technician to a nuclear physicist and a lot of interesting information about each of them.

Max Phelps, who represented the book publishing industry works with authors of books who work with newspapers. Mr. Phelps said that ¨The vast majority of published authors got their jobs writing for newspapers or magazines.¨ In his job, he is connected with the outdoor industry. In his career, Mr. Phelps has the advantage of working with L.L. Bean, National Parks, and Boy Scouts of America. ¨I enjoy the creative process, such as developing book ideas and the publication.¨ Mr. Phelps likes to be associated with people who are in- or gravitate towards the publishing industry.

Cynthia Clegg is a nonprofit executive. She gives away money, but it is not as easy as it sounds. However, it is a very unique job. Mrs. Clegg works with donors. She explains the process, ¨The donors invest money with us and the company reinvests their money according to their wishes. Every year, we decide on the amount of money to give away. Nonprofits apply for grants, and the people from the community decide on who receives the grants.¨

Kristen Snow has been a pilot since 1994. She had no clue that she would become a pilot until her first flight. ¨My favorite part of being a pilot is seeing beautiful scenery and meeting lots of people.¨Although pilots have an advantage of getting to travel around the world, they are far away from their family.
Sophomore, Simon Hua liked talking to people who’ve had a lot of experience in their work. He talked to a doctor and a few psychologists. “It really put things into perspective in terms of what I do and don’t want to do for a living, and I even found careers I’d never thought of pursuing before.”
Sophomore Ella Franzoni enjoyed the large range of jobs they had. “The way it was set up was interesting because the jobs were organized by topics (doctors would be under medical, police were under law etc.) the students could then look under topics they were interested in at a wide array of jobs that they might have not known about.”
Junior, Wyatt Reu said Career Night was a big success. “There were representatives from over 40 different careers. It was really interesting to talk to people about their jobs and their college experiences. It helped to better visualize what kind of work you can be doing with your major after college.”
Career Night was a success with many careers represented. With representatives from the field of engineering, journalism, book publishing, aviation, and much more, a lot of information was given out to the community about the represented jobs and what it is like to work in that career.