Written by Drew Marzano |
There are a lot of elective options at Morgan. Since I want to major in business management, you can find me in room A23 learning about business. All business classes here at Morgan are taught by Business Teacher Ryan Richetelli. Mr. Richetelli, a Morgan alumni, said, “I went to ECSU and graduated with a degree in business administration. I then got a job at Morgan, and that’s when I became interested in teaching business.”

Mr. Richetelli teaches both year-long and semester-long courses including Accounting 1 and 2, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Business Applications.
In Business Applications, students learn and gain experience in all of the Microsoft Office applications and packages. Most major business jobs make use of Microsoft Office, so if you are interested in a business career in the future, this class is most definitely for you!
In Entrepreneurship, students learn what it is like to start a business and create a business plan. Senior Olivia Amendola who takes entrepreneurship said, “It’s really fun, and I would like to start my own business one day, so this class is a great background.”
In Personal Finance, students engage in certain topics such as stocks, bonds, funds, crediting, and budgeting. A lot of topics discussed in Personal Finance are important for the future. Senior Jack Bugg said the class “teaches me actual life skills that I am actually going to use in the future.”
In Accounting 1, students learn about the basic foundations of accounting. I took Accounting 1 as a sophomore, and I have gained a significant amount of knowledge about the course. Topics learned in Accounting 1 include journaling, posting, ledgers, account balances, the accounting equation, payroll, among others.
In Accounting 2, the class that I am currently taking, students use certain Excel formulas, to help automate our work. We use formulas as simple as addition and subtraction, to Vlookups and SUMIFs. Here’s a little breakdown about some of the complicated formulas we currently use:
- Vertical Lookups are used to insert a value into a specific cell based on a lookup value given.
- The SUMIF formula is used to sum certain cells based on specific criteria
- SUMIFS are used when there are multiple criteria and ranges that need to be summed
- IF formulas are used to display a certain value if the imputed expression is true or false