Written by Melanie Coretti |
There are mixed feelings on midterms. Some students dread midterms week, and some don’t. Some find it stressful, others don’t. Students have two exams each day for 3 days, then the fourth day is one last exam and a make-up period for any missed exams. Students don’t need to come to school if that class doesn’t require an exam. Some students leave early after their midterms or show up to school later if they do not have an early exam.
Sophomore Olivia Morrissey said, “Midterms and exams don’t stress me out. Last year I didn’t study much, and I got in the B range.” She feels that “Teachers put too much stress on students to do well on these, but they’re really not that bad.”
Sophomore Caitlin Turner said, “I think midterms put a lot of stress on students, but I think they are good because it tests you on content you have learned all year.” Caitlin believes that “so much information is crammed into one test, and it can be overwhelming.”
Junior Tony Coretti believes “To be honest some midterms are a complete joke, and some are the worst thing in my life. It all depends on the class and the teacher.” Tony said, “Midterms week are probably the most stressful time of the year for me.”
Sophomore Sophia Dowd said, “I feel midterms are unnecessary for students to take. It’s too much stress for me and other students. I feel like teachers put way too much pressure on students to do well.” She also added, “But what I like is getting to leave school early. It’s like having a half day for a whole week.” Dowd feels that “Midterms should not be included in a student’s final grade for the second semester because the majority of their grade depends on how well they do.”
Sophomore Grace Roman said, “I feel like midterms are necessary so students know the material.” But she also feels that “Teachers shouldn’t schedule projects due near the time of the exam because we can’t focus on studying as much.”
Midterms will take place the week of 1/15/17
Tuesday (1/17): G and F exams
Wednesday (1/18): E and D exams
Thursday (1/19): C and B exams
Friday (1/20): A exam and a make-up period