Written by Gabby Vigorito|
Photos from PawPrint Staff|
Phones in school have become another way of learning for students. It is a great tool that students have been using. Below are some highly ranked apps to educate students:
- Quizlet is an app that lets students test themselves on facts or vocab. There is a flashcard option where you can write your information, shuffle the deck and test yourself and it can even read the flashcards to you. Students can press “Learn” and type in the answer to their information, or you can press “spell” and study that way. Also, you can play a match game or test yourself in an exam form. This app is extremely helpful because you can share your set of flashcards for more people to use. You can even study other languages with the flashcards.
- Sparknotes is an app that has lots of useful tools when it comes to literature. You can search any text, and it gives options such as Context, Plot Overview, Character List, Analysis of Major Characters, Themes, Motifs, and Symbols. Also, it breaks down each chapter by giving a summary and describes the Epilogue, Important Quotes, and Key Facts. Plus it gives students study questions, essay topics and quizzes students can take.
- Youtube is an app that’s great for students to watch tutorials. Whether it is math explanations, or Tim and Moby science lessons, or Crash Course on Politics, students and teacher take advantage of this luxury.ntage of this luxury.
- Photo Math this app has a great camera calculator. It can show students step-by-step how to solve math problems after they type in an equation, or they can take a picture of the problem, an
d after it processes, it will give you an exact answer.
- Google is now a multi-use tool that everyone uses daily. Every new feature makes students lives easier. For example, having access to these features. Students can make a Google account where all their work is saved and available all the time.
- Google Classroom allows any teacher who has a Google account to add their students into the classroom. Once all students get access to it, the teacher can post assignments and make the students turn in their work after they are done. They can make comments to their students and each comment gets emailed to the students in the classroom.
- Google Docs lets you type essays, letters, reports, etc. Students love that Google Docs saves automatically and lets you turn in your assignment to the Classroom just by pressing “turn in.” Also, you can share the document with people or teachers which are helpful when collaborating on projects or doing group work.
- Google Drive is where you can access your saved work. You can make folders here to separate your work for different classes, and you can use the search bar to find any assignment. On the “shared with me” tab, students can look at any work that they worked on as a group. The “recent” tab lets students look at work they’ve revised in the past day, week, month, and year. Also, you can look at “Google Photos”, “Starred” documents, and “Trash” all from Google Drive
- Google Slides has a large selection of templates in their gallery. These include book reports, science projects, albums, portfolios, etc. It shows all of the students recent presentations and you can search any of your projects on the search bar on the top. For Google slides, you can also share your project with students to collaborate on this powerpoint.
- Google Mail lets you email anyone. On this feature, all your emails go to your inbox and you can see any mail you sent. Also, you can star mail that’s important and you can see all your drafts in a sperate tab. Under the “more” tab you can see Important, All Mail, Spam, and Trash.
- Google Sheets allows students to make tables, graphs, etc. They can create an attendance, grade book, to-do list, or a calendar. Also, it shows them all their work done on google sheets.
- Google Translate is helpful when studying a foreign language. It’s very reliable when you need to understand keywords in a text. It can translate dozens of languages and even offer audio pronunciations.
- Google Calendar is a way for students to organize their sports, homework, and events. They can fill in each event on any day through the year and put it at a certain time.
- Duolingo is a highly ranked language learning app. This free app allows students to learn languages easier than just looking in a textbook. By entering a language this interactive app lets you learn in multiple different ways.
- The Homework App is a great way to organize all the homework you get daily. This app is convenient and you can even color code your subjects. This allows you to get help with your homework and it keeps students on task. Plus you can store your class schedules and due dates for projects on this one app.
- MarginNote Reader Free this app allows you to comprehend text and take notes faster. There are places to make drawings and diagrams and students can easily organize all your notes.
- Magoosh SAT Prep lets you create an account on your phone and lets students study before their SAT test. It has more than 160 animated lessons with the detailed explanation of all SAT concepts. It quizzes you on any topic you select and guarantees with this practice you will get a higher grade.
- PowerSchool allows students and parents to create an account to check grades. Students can also check their grade history, attendance history, teacher comments, class registration, balance, my schedule and school information