On November 15, our journalism class took part in a Skype call with journalism students from the Hempfield High School in Pennsylvania. The students there have an online newspaper called The Flash. They also have a printed paper that they hand out to their students. We learned that The Flash has designated tasks for each of their members: editors, writers, and advisors. They also have a club of editors that meet after school and design the paper and edit the website. They also informed us that The Flash is eighty years old. Their journalism class – like ours – lasts for a semester.
We also had the opportunity to learn about their school. Students have five eighty-minute classes. Their school day starts at 7:38, and ends at 2:50. They have a block schedule which includes a forty minute flex period (similar to a study period) and a forty minute lunch period. They are allowed to use their cell phones during lunch and during passing time. Some of their teachers also use them for lessons. They are not allowed to use social media in their journalism class.
During our Skype call, we had some technical difficulties, but we plan on fixing those technical issues and participating in another Skype call with the Hempfield students.