Written by Drew Marzano |
Being tardy at the old Morgan was one thing. Sadly, that “one thing” must be left in the past. Being at a new school brings in a wave of some enhanced or completely changed rules and policies. A copy of the new changes was mailed to each Morgan student in late August. Many of them, including the revised tardy policy, took many students by surprise.
For those who arrive at school early, this tardy policy means almost nothing. However, accidents happen and people arrive at school late. Now, when a student arrives late too many times, there will be a change in the consequences. Another major change this year is that a Dunkin’ Donuts run is no longer an excuse for arriving late!
Here is a shorter/easy-to-understand tardy policy and the consequences that go along with it:
Being tardy 3 times in one month will cause a loss of study hall privileges and/or senior privileges and cause the student to report to ISS (In-School-Suspension) during their study hall. Detention will be assigned for those who do not have a study hall
Being tardy 6 times in a quarter will require the school to meet with a parent. Following the meeting, some of the following consequences may take place:
- Parking Privileges will be revoked for the remainder of the semester (passes can be purchased the following semester for an additional $10)
- Senior Privileges will be revoked and seniors will report to a 9th or 10th-grade study
- 11th and 12th graders will report to a 9th or 10th-grade study instead of the food court (lunch detention will be assigned to those with no study hall)
- 9th and 10th graders with a study hall will loose study privileges and will be required to serve 2 detentions (2 detentions and a series of lunch detentions will be assigned to those with no study hall)
Many students think that the policy is unfair and too strict. Junior Isaac Eriksen claims that the policy is “stupid and unfair”. Erickson also said, “6 tardies are not enough to result in loss of privileges.”
Senior Emily Sordo said, “This year I have not been late because my best friends pick me up”. However, she too has a say in the policy. Sordo also said, “The policy is unfair and has become a lot more strict since last year. It also targets seniors more.”
Assistant Principal Tyler Webb is also the director of discipline here at Morgan. He explained the reason behind the revised policy. Mr. Webb stated, “We needed to clamp down and get students here on time since there are no more rotating classes”. Webb also mentioned, “Detentions were ineffective [on the old policy], and the consequences needed to be impactful.” The revised policy, along with other revised changes are published in the 2016-17 Morgan School Handbook
Although this policy creates controversy among the Morgan students, this policy also has a good side. This policy will motivate students to get to school on time, which is important for the real word. Arriving late to an important event (job interview, internship, etc…) can be embarrassing. It is important to arrive at school on time as it may influence your future opportunities.