Written by Maggie LaCross|
Photos by Maggie LaCross, Amanda Thompson, Maina Carey, and Sam Moran|
Many Morgan students spend their free time playing sports or attending club meetings, but only a few spend their weekends working instead of hanging out with friends. If you are looking for a new place to work, read what these students think of their past or current occupations:

Senior Riley Thompson, Saldamarco: “My Boss is chill, and I like my co-workers. It’s an easy job, but you stay occupied.”
Senior Willow Pender, Christy’s: “There’s a lot of grumpy customers, and you can’t really do anything about them.”
Senior Lucas Lennox, Fish Tail: “The people who you work for are cool and are very fair. I’ve worked there for almost two years so it’s not bad.”
Senior Rebecca Turner, Babysitter: “I like babysitting because it’s easy money. I get to just chill with kids and watch tv and I get paid for it. For the most part the kids are well behaved so you don’t have to deal with that.”
Senior Maina Carey, Shoprite: “I’ve worked there a long time, and it has shaped me into the person I am today. It has taught me a lot about small talk and the helplessness of Americans in all age groups, also the impatience that comes with working with machinery. I have relieved countless unwarranted speeches on boyfriends, college, money and most of all how I perform my job (i.e. not smiling enough or forgetting to give someone their receipt). Mediocrity comes in all forms.”
Junior Sam Moran, Clinton Country Club as a ‘Greens keeper’: “I have only had positive experiences. I work with all types and a lot of ethnicities. I improve my Spanish on the job. I think I’ve gained an appreciation for people who do outdoor manual labor as a full time job.”

Senior Dan Hua, JAMMS: “Working there is fun. It’s one of those jobs where you don’t want to go in, but then once you get there you have a good time. Great breakfast food.”
Junior Zach McCray, Nike: “It gives me money.”
Junior Aidan Esposito, Cafe Allegre: “I got the job through my brother. Its not that bad of a job. It pays well.”
Senior Sophie Roman, works seasonally at Beach Donuts: “It’s a great gig. I’ve met a lot of great people, and there’s also a lot of free donuts involved. You just see really happy people coming in. I’m tight with the old people that come in.”
Seniors Amanda Thompson and Maggie LaCross, work seasonally at Lobster Landing: Both of us love working at Lobster Landing. It’s a great place to work in the summer as you get to be outside and have a beautiful view of the water. The other people who work there are cool, and both of the owners are very nice. You can’t beat free lobster rolls.